Kinship Caregivers are relatives raising one or more relative children whose parents are not present in the home. Kinship caregivers may be grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, or other members of the family related by blood or marriage. Relatives with or without a legal relationship to the child(ren) in their care may be eligible for support.
Common Questions
Yes, there are several services within the Kinship Program that you are eligible to access. Please reach out to the Kinship Navigator, and they will help you learn more about the services available to you.
Our Kinship Program serves residents of Clark, Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Skamania, and Klickitat Counties in Washington State. If you live outside of this area, a Kinship Program may still be available to you. Contact the Kinship Navigator and they will help you find the Navigator or Specialist that serves your area.
Kinship Navigators are unable to give legal advice or represent you at court hearings. They can, however, give you resources to find information, help you locate court forms to print, answer questions, and refer you to legal resources that can provide advice specific to your situation.
Here to Help
At the Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of Southwest Washington (AAADSW), we strive to connect Kinship Caregivers to a full range of free and other community resources. Our knowledgeable and dedicated staff are committed to providing you with the information, assistance, and support you need to continue caring for your Kinship Kid(s). We strive to offer choices, improve your quality of life, and respect you and the child(ren) you care for.
Support, Training, & Resources
Service Highlights
Services we provide or may be able to connect you to include:
- Financial support
- Legal services
- Navigating school systems
- Accessing special education
- Holiday gift programs/food baskets
- Support groups
- Counseling
- Presentations and Training
- Passes to events or attractions (when available)
- Parents Again newsletter
Kinship Caregiver Support Group
Online support group for kinship caregivers. It offers caregivers a place to connect with other caregivers; talk about issues and coping skills; share feelings, needs, and concerns; and learn about community resources.
Meets online (via Zoom) on the second Thursday of every month and in person on the fourth Thursday of every month. To register, email the Kinship Navigator at
For More Information Contact:
Kinship Navigator
(360) 759-4317