Being an unpaid caregiver to a friend or family member can be rewarding, but it can also present challenges. Our Caregiver Support programs can help you navigate your caregiver journey and provide support along the way.
An unpaid or informal support person who routinely helps a friend, neighbor, or loved one is considered a caregiver. Our goal is to wrap support around the unpaid caregiver. We want to help make your caregiving experience easier while respecting the dignity of your loved one.
Common Questions
If you're providing help with things like running errands, providing transportation, cooking, monitoring medications or finances, or helping with personal care - you are a caregiver.
Our caregiver support programs cannot pay you to care for your loved one. If you would like to be paid to take care of your relative, contact our Resource Center to explore other options.
Our caregiver support programs are designed to wrap services around the unpaid caregiver. There are ways we can help support you that do not require your loved one's participation.
Please contact our Resource Center. We will ask you to tell us a little bit about how things are going with your loved one. We will also need to know the following information:
• Age of the person needing care
• Approximate monthly Income of the person needing care – money made each month. Typically includes things like Social Security payments, VA Benefits, Pensions, Wages, etc.
• Approximate assets or resources of the person needing care– typically includes things like funds in bank accounts, stocks or investments. The primary residence and vehicle are typically not included.
• What type of help you routinely provide. This includes reminders, oversight, or supervision.
What help is available?
Our caregiver support programs are available for unpaid caregivers who take care of someone else. Through these programs, caregivers can gain access to free or low-cost support including: Case management services, Personal Emergency Response buttons, care supplies, education, home safety equipment, support groups, respite care, and more.
Finding the right program
There are a few different programs that provide support to unpaid caregivers. The program that is right for each caregiver depends on factors including the loved one's age, monthly income, financial assets, and how much care and support is provided for them. Our resource specialists will help you understand which programs you might qualify for.
Case Management
Once we've identified the best program for the caregiver and their loved one, a case manager will work with the caregiver to understand where they're at on their caregiver journey and how they're feeling about caregiving. The case manager will help connect the caregiver to a wide variety of services and supports.
Caregiver Support Group
Caring for a loved one can be an isolating experience. Connect with other caregivers who understand what it is like to care for a loved one. Our virtual Family Caregiver Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. To register, contact our Resource Center.
Caregiver Coffee - Longview
Please join us for caregiver coffee for unpaid or family caregivers - a chance to meet, catch up and support each other in your caregiving journey.
Please join us from 2 - 3 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month at 1338 Commerce Ave, Suite 309 in Longview. Participants must register: 360-501-8399 or