Local Services
The Southwest Washington Council of Governments on Aging & Disabilities (COG) governs the Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities of Southwest Washington. The COG’s sole purpose is sponsorship and oversight of the Agency.
County Representation
Each County represented on the COG has an equal vote in matters concerning the Agency. A regular member of the COG can appoint one alternate, who may attend meetings on behalf of the regular member. However, unless the alternate is a member of the legislative authority of a member county, he/she cannot vote on matters pertaining to the Agency's budget.
The COG was formally established by an Interlocal Agreement signed by the Boards of County Commissioners from each county. The COG conducts its business in accordance with its by-laws. The by-laws cover matters such as the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair, quorums, the appointment of Advisory Council members, emergency meetings, and several other necessary topics.
The COG is not typically involved in the daily operations of the Agency. The COG does, however, address matters such as allocating services across the counties, major equipment purchases, staff benefit issues, adding or terminating services, selection of Advisory Council members, and legal and liability issues affecting the Area Agency.
COG Authority & Meetings
The COG is considered a governmental entity independent of the counties it represents, though its authority can be no greater than the counties themselves. COGs are established in law in the Interlocal Cooperation Act, RCW 39.34. The COG meets bi-monthly. The Agency Director is responsible for developing meeting agendas and providing necessary background information to the COG members for either informational-only topics or topics that may require voting by the members. The Director is responsible for ensuring that a record of the meetings is maintained.
COG Members
The County Councilors and Commissioners from each county who are members of the COG are listed below.
Clark County
Wil Fuentes
Cowlitz County
Steven Ferrell
Klickitat County
Lori Zoller, Chair
Skamania County
Brian Nichols
Wahkiakum County
Dan Cothren, Vice Chair
COG Meeting Schedule
The COG Board meets bi-monthly at 1:00 pm on the fourth Friday in January and March, the fifth Friday in May, the fourth Friday in July and September, and the first Friday in December. The public is welcome to attend the meetings which are held at the Agency. Persons with a disability who requires accommodation should notify the Administrative Coordinator at (360) 735-5721 three days before the meeting to discuss accommodations. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations.
COG Meeting Agendas/Meeting Recordings
Please contact the Administrative Coordinator at (360) 735-5721 to make arrangements to attend the meeting virtually, or to request the link to view a previously recorded meeting.