Local Services

“This job fills my heart each and every day,” says Chasity Charette, health educator with the
Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities in Southwest Washington (AAADSW). “My job is
different every day and I’m passionate about finding new and innovative ways to help make a difference in the lives of our clients.”
In her role as the health educator, Chasity says that she wears many hats -- she is
responsible for developing, planning, facilitating and evaluating many of the educational
programs offered to the community, including caregiver support groups and dementia cafes.
Before joining AAADSW in 2017 as the agency receptionist, Chasity had worked in a variety
of customer service jobs. She realized quickly that AAADSW was a great place and got
promoted to other roles helping caregivers get access to community resources in the five-
county region that AAADSW serves. In fact, she liked the work so much that she decided to
go back to college to get a bachelor’s degree in Gerontology and Human Services so she
could contribute even more to the agency’s vision.
Going back to school as a full-time employee, full-time student and full-time mom wasn’t
easy, but she says that the team helped her find flexible ways to be successful. Chasity
says that it’s her work team that keeps her motivated and excited to do great work that
makes a real difference each day.
Recently, Chasity was recognized by the agency with the Penny Black Excellence in
Service Award for Rising to the Challenge Beyond Usual Job Expectations. She said that
she was both surprised and humbled to be honored by her peers. The recognition was
amazing, she said, but it’s the great work that makes a difference that makes AAADSW a
great place to be.